28 February 2013

The Rundown: Television

Television shows are going to feature here quite regularly in their own series so it only seems fair to run down the list. Unfortunately some shows are currently airing so we don't get to start at the beginning. We're going to try jumping in, seeing how it goes, and if some shows aren't going to work, we'll save them for next season. A few others have new seasons airing in the coming months and we can't wait. Here's a little preview of what shows will likely appear in the series Pop Review:

Mad Men

Game of Thrones

The Walking Dead

Downton Abbey


The Newsroom

Are we missing something you would like to see here? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think we should be talking about. For this series one-hour dramas are preferable, but we're open to any and all suggestions.

25 February 2013

Nice to meet 'ya.

Creative Sweet is a space for the daily musings on a variety of topics - everything from advertising and design to favorite records and pop culture. Much like the imagination the possibilities are endless when it comes to what you may see here.

Someday there will be an appropriate "about" section around here somewhere. If you enjoy the occasional record, discussing movies and television, or have a soft spot for good design - you're in the right place. (If not, those are only a few things I plan to touch base on, so you should hang around too.)